Every year, the RRB PO exam is conducted across the country. Through this exam, the candidates get selected for Assistant and Officer Grade Posts for Regional Rural Banks. Furthermore, the ESIC UDC exam is conducted to recruit candidates for Upper Division Clerk in Employees State Insurance Corporation.
In this article, you will understand the difference between ESIC UDC and RRB PO. Hence, this will help you to understand which one is the best for you.
What is RRB PO?
The RRB PO exam is held by IBPS which is the abbreviation of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. If you want to grow your career in rural banks then this job is the best. To get this job, the candidates have to excel in three rounds of exams. Hence, they have to clear Prelims, Mains, and Interview for this job.
Job Profile of RRB PO
These are the following duties of an RRB PO Officer
- Rating credit portfolio and loan disbursement
- Managing efficient banking operations
- You have to focus on agricultural policies and for the rural areas
- Managing operations through single window and teller
- Additionally, preparing audit reports also falls under the duties of RRB PO
Furthermore, the RRB PO also needs to manage the clerical and in-house staff.
What is ESIC UDC?
The ESIC UDC exam is conducted to recruit students for the post of Upper Division Clerk. Also, the Employees State Insurance Corporation holds the exam every year for this post. To get this job, you have to appear for the Phase-1 and Phase 2 Exams.
Job Profile of ESIC UDC
However, the job role depends upon the posting. Some of them are as follows.
- File Maintenance
- Issuing Cheques
- Making Yearly, Quarterly, and Monthly Reports
- Letter Drafting and many more
What is the Salary of an RRB PO job?
The pay scale of an RRB PO is around Rs. 23,700 and the gross salary is 42,021. Therefore, they will get annual increments and promotions for their work. Also, the probationary offer will have to go through training for 2 years. These are the annual increments of RRB PO along with the years.
Annual Increment | In-hand Salary |
Initial Pay | Rs. 23700 |
For the first 7 years – Rs. 980 | Rs. 30650 |
For next 2 years- Rs. 1145 | Rs. 32850 |
For other 7 years Rs. 1310 | Rs. 4201 |
What is the Salary of ESIC UDC?
This is the salary structure of ESIC UDC
Entry Pay | Rs. 25,500 |
Pay Scale | Pay Matrix Level-4 (Civilian Employees) |
Pay Band | Rs. 5200-20,200 |
Basic Salary | Rs. 25,500 |
Grade Pay | Rs. 24,000 |
Maximum Salary | Rs. 81,100 |
What is the Career Growth of RRB PO Job?
These are the following career growth of the probationary offer at IBPS RRB
- Firstly, the will become General Manager.
- After that, they will be the DGM
- Then, Assistant General Manager
- Furthermore, the next post is Chief Manger and then Senior Branch Manager.
- After that, they will be the Deputy Manager and Lastly, Assistant Manager.
However, career growth depends on the task completion and responsibilities you take. Also, you must have immense experience in the background.
What is the Career Growth of ESIC UDC?
These are the following promotions you will receive as ESIC UDC.
- After completing 4 years, you will get a promotion to an Assistant.
- Secondly, you will get another promotion after 3 years.
- Then again after three years, you will get the promotion as the officer of Social Security.
In conclusion, the above comparison can help you understand the difference between the two posts. Furthermore, if you want to have a rural post then, RRB PO is the best for you. Along with that, the ESC UDC post offers the best promotions and perks throughout the career.
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