Whether you are a large business organization or an individual with a small-scale business, it is quite evident that you need an app. Despite of having brilliant ideas even for general purpose apps, one question that keeps people from developing their app is “How much does an app will cost?” Well, there are numerous factors that comes into consideration while companies determine the cost involved in designing and developing an application. Apart from these decisive factors, you need to bare in mind one thing for sure, that irrespective of the complexity of the app, different companies may quote different prices. Thus, you should always do some research and keep digging till you find the deal that suits your needs.
Before you Think “How Much Does an APP Cost”:
One of the most crucial and prerequisites of app development—even before you mule about the cost—is to determine what type of mobile app you are planning to come up with. Following is the list of some mobile app types which will help you narrow down your specifications:
- Native Apps:These apps are called native apps as they are native to or rather compatible with a particular platform. These apps can be further segregated into other categories, for example, Android Apps, iOS apps, Windows app, Symbian apps, Blackberry apps, and more. These native apps cannot be used on other platforms than for which they are developed. For example, Android apps cannot be used on Apple phones.
- Hybrid apps: Hybrid apps are applications which are based on multiple web technologies. These applications are developed using web technologies such as HTML5, CSS, and Javascript, which makes them compatible for different platforms. These apps are faster and relatively easier to develop.
- Web apps: Web apps are application that are similar to native apps but they need browser to run. However, like hybrid apps, these are developed using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
Factors that Influence APP Development Cost:
As it is known that mobile applications come in different complexities and functionalities. There are different parts to be considered and every part impacts the cost. However, here are some preliminary factors that can affect the cost involved in developing apps.
- Business framework
- App functionality
- Design
- Developing agency
Honestly, app development cost may vary drastically. You can get a bare-bone version of your app live for approx. $75,000.
App development cost also depends on the organization you pick to get your app up and running. A small-scale app development house may get you your app for even lesser than $50,000. However, the service offered by these agencies may be limited, depending on your negotiation.
Evidently, increasing your budget would help you get professional services. Since, your app is important for your business and is going to stay for a while, it is suggested to not compromise on quality for money. An amateur app can do you no good. Hence, it should be ensured that the task of developing your only app is in the right hands. There is a lot that goes into app development; thus, the team you choose should be professional.
What a Professional APP Development Team Includes:
- A designer: He is the one who gives the face to your app. He creates visual content of your app which is then coded.
- Account manager: He is the one who coordinates between client and the development process, and ensure seamless completion of work.
- Product manager: He is one who executes the functions and overseas the app.
- Developers: These are the people who do the backend coding and develop your app.
Giving your app development project in professional hands is highly recommended. To sum up the topic, average app development cost would range anyway between $50,000 to $150,000. However, a more professional app such as Twitterrific would cost somewhere around $250,000—for iOS platforms.
Sometimes, while surfing the net you may come across cheap offers for mobile app development. They may offer app development services for as low as $10,000 to $30,000. Such offers are hardly worth the shot. However, there are many mobile app development companies in Texas or other companies such as Red Apple Technologies, which can develop professional apps for you without burning a hole in your pocket.
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