MDCAT- a turning point for the students
Medical and Dental Colleges Admission Test (MDCAT) is an examination that is carried out by different universities and colleges of Pakistan, including University of Health Sciences (UHS) Lahore, Sindh Medical University of Health Sciences, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Karachi Medical and Dental University, Peoples University of Medical Health Sciences for Women and five more public universities. This test is mandatory in order to get into private or public institution. Due to the low fee and high quality of education in public sectors, students are more likely to strive for getting admissions in them.
This time is considered to be a turning point for the students as a “race” to secure the future starts. The test is quite opposite as compared to the final intermediate examination. So, students must be very careful about the preparation for MDCAT. Let’s probe into what are choices for the students to start their preparation and which can be more convenient for them.
Preparation at Academies
Soon after the end of intermediate examination, you can see the brochures of different academies pasted on every wall and sign boards of your city. It has become a trend to get admission in a reputed academy for the preparation and it is now considered as the status depiction too. But you should keep just one thing in mind that you have to secure a seat and nothing else. So, one need to focus on studies. And, to your disappointment, academies are not a vigilant choice for an effective preparation due to a number of reasons. Some of them are:
- Academies have crowded classrooms, therefore, all students cannot get equal attention of the teachers.
- The academy fees are too much to be afforded by all students.
- Much time is wasted during travelling to academies.
- The notes provided by the academies are also very costly.
- Students are unable to cover the topic that has been missed due to some problem.
- The Revision of Tests again and again is not possible in an academy
Online Preparation for MDCAT
In this age of technology advancement, almost all the things have become convenient and any sort of study is no exception in this case. Many students used to take advantage of online study and have improved and furnished their knowledge and skills. The concept of online study and online MDCAT preparation is perhaps new in Pakistan, yet fructiferous. The online study provides a room to study like humans not by mechanical puppets. You don’t need to follow a strict time table to study and sleep. It can take you out of the cares and shed your robot-like life.
Let’s get into how online preparation of MDCAT can benefit you all in all
- Online preparation enables students’ interaction with experienced and skilful teachers.
- Video Lectures are available 24/7, so that students can learn at any time.
- You can ask questions without expecting a harsh reaction
- Numerous practice exercises are available and students can revise them again and again.
- Online Preparation prevents the wastage of time during travelling to academies.
- Students can make their own schedule to study in times which suit them.
Now that you have gone through all these lasting benefits, you need to know how one can do MDCAT preparation online. Let’s probe into this too.
Choose the best online platform
First and Foremost thing you should keep a close weather on while doing online MDCAT preparation is to find out the most favourable and effective platform that can help you out all in all. The best way to find such platform is to visit different online study portals, signing up for free trial. Now most of the portals are offering one lecture on each subject as demo. You need to watch and check out which one influences you the most and then go for it.
Don’t be panic about anything, you are going to pay for what you get, so ask any question you have in your mind, relevant to your preparation. Most of the online portals are there to answer immediately, therefore, you need not to shy because it’s all about your future.
Make a time table that suits you
Although online preparation makes you free to follow some strict time table, yet you need to frame a schedule for your studies. You are just required to divide your study hours on your subjects. It doesn’t matter which part of the day or night it is, you can study anytime and anywhere in just a click.
Make your own notes
It is important to know that only listening lectures won’t allow you to get yourself prepared in the best way. As you all have heard that practice makes a man perfect, so every single topic must be under your pin. Try to make some short bullet-type notes of your own, as this makes your revisions stress-free and quickly understandable.
Listen and Conceptualize the Lectures
The online preparation for MDCAT offers the visual lectures to enable students conceptualize a topic by listening carefully over and over again. Make sure you take those lecture seriously and don’t move on to the next topic until the previous one has totally indulged in your mind without a bit doubt. Having said that, only listening won’t make you understand until you practice consistently.
Go for daily tests and then designed Session tests
Students can only ensure their best acknowledgement of a topic when they have attempted efficiently, the tests of that particular topic. Therefore, it is mandatory for all the students to go for daily tests and once they have covered all the syllabus, they should follow the scheduled tests; chapter-wise, quarterly, half-book and then full book tests.
Revise the Old papers
For online preparation, it is effective for you to go through the past papers which are available along with the scheduled tests. But before revising the old papers, you need to cover all the syllabus. Once you have covered the syllabus and attempted to revise the old papers, you’ll be able to judge whether you have prepared well or not. So, before heading towards the past papers, it is recommended to practice chapter-wise tests presented on the portal for you.
Your Focus is the Key to Success
Last but not least, whether it is online preparation or not, you can’t get knowledge until you completely focus on what you are studying. You need to develop interest in your studies, and once you have covered all the bases to develop your interest, the study will look like a recreational work and believe me, it is the most important thing to follow.