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Fighting With Disturbed Eating Habits – Learn The Different Types of Eating Disorders Here!

Do you often overthink about your weight and body shape? Everyone thinks about it usually, but if you are becoming obsessed with it, then it is a mat

Do you often overthink about your weight and body shape? Everyone thinks about it usually, but if you are becoming obsessed with it, then it is a matter of concern. Are you getting involved in disturbed or abnormal eating habits? The signs indicate towards having an eating disorder.

It is guided to visit your doctor to get the problem diagnosed at an early stage before it becomes severe. There are different types of eating disorders. We will guide you here about them. If the symptoms match, rush to your doctor immediately.

Anorexia Nervosa

It is one of the types of eating disorders where you feel obsessed about your weight and eating style. Intense fear of weight gain always surrounds you. You give high importance to control your body weight and shape with extreme efforts. Along with excessive exercising a low weight is also maintained with starvation.

The fear of weight gain is so high that people suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, control calorie intake by inappropriate means. They use diet aids, laxatives, diuretics to vomit out after eating; enemas are also used.

It doesn’t matter how much weight is lost, even after going underweight you still fear about weight gain. The disorder can be life-threatening and makes it difficult for you to overcome it. Here treatment is necessary for you to get back to your healthy eating habits and eliminate the complications related to Anorexia Nervosa disorder.

Bulimia Nervosa

It is an eating disorder that is linked with bingeing which is followed by weight loss methods to compensate for binge eating effects. Excessive exercising, fasting, and vomiting are few of them.

You can experience dehydration, food aversion, anxiety, mood swings, and also see changes in body weight. Dental cavities, bad breath, taste abnormality, and sore throat are some of the other symptoms related to Bulimia Nervosa eating disorder.

Treatment of the disorder is necessary to discontinue the binge-purge cycle, improve negative thoughts, and resolve emotional issues.

If you continue with the binge-purge cycle, it can negatively affect your digestive system. When this happens, it can lead to chemical and electrolyte imbalance in the body, which further causes damage to your heart and other body organs.

The person suffering from Bulimia Nervosa can also die if the person is left untreated for long durations.

Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

The eating disorder involves compulsive overeating and feeling loss of control while eating in large quantities. Both men and women with normal weight can get affected by the disorder and can experience unwanted weight gain. But it is more common in men. The episode occurs once or twice a week.

Some of the complications associated with the disorder include cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, depression, and gallbladder disease.

Consult your doctor to develop a healthy relationship with food, for managing unpleasant emotions, and develop a good lifestyle.

Rumination Disorder

The disorder causes you to re-swallow or spit out the partially digested or undigested food. It is usually seen in infants and young children. If you are suffering from the disorder, you can experience it after every meal.

Bad breath, nausea, a feeling of fullness, and abdominal pain are some of the symptoms associated with it. Treatment includes medication and behavioral therapies that teach people breathing from the diaphragm.

Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

It is also referred as avoidant food intake disorder. The disorder usually develops during early childhood or infancy and continues to adulthood. It involves disturbed eating due to distaste or lack of interest in food. People suffering from the disorder experience significant weight loss and nutritional deficiency.

Here the food is not avoided because of fear of weight gain. But the fear of choking, repetitive vomiting, and becoming choosy about food are the main reasons behind it.

Have you experienced any of the above-discussed symptoms? If yes, then visit your doctor immediately. It is also advised to see your doctor if your symptoms are not listed above but you observe abnormal eating habits in yourself.