The applicant tracking system is nothing but a resume robot, which helps recruiters filters out best resume out of many! This typically works in cert
The applicant tracking system is nothing but a resume robot, which helps recruiters filters out best resume out of many! This typically works in certain keywords or set skills which are required for posted jobs. Primarily, the focus of ATS if to bring out the best talent to the recruiters without taking much time and with limited resources. Most of the organisations are using ATS as one of the essential tools while recruiting and has become an indispensable part of it. Not to mention, it keeps the entire recruitment process at one place and in a more documented way. The ATS software grades applicants based on keywords, skills and experience.
Whether it’s a recruiter or an applicant, both should know how ATS works and what the various things which are associated with it. The applicant tracking system is becoming popular everywhere, considering easy use, helping the critical process of hiring and other aspects which are equally beneficial in the longer term. How it can affect their role, or a dream job if they are an applicant. Cracking ATS is another discussion which shouldn’t be ignored too.
But its important to know about Applicant tracking system and here are 8 points:
- Purpose: The ATS software helps to manage the hiring process and to keep the applicant’s information in a digital form. An organisation can track all applicants resume, cover letters and profiles in a digital form. ATS keeps track of all hiring-related task, like emails, scheduling a telephonic interview or candidate’s overall performance. ATS is nothing but Resume robot which typically helps recruiters to manage the entire recruitment process!
2. ATS is a powerful tool: There is no denying the fact that ATS is a powerful tool for organisations who have been using it. It doesn’t matter if the size of the company is not too large or they don’t recruit thousands of people every year. It’s a system, which gives you hassle-free recruitment without much pain points. Imagine the inconsistencies which might appear when there is no proper system in the first place.
3. Key roles of ATS: ATS automates administrative parts of hiring like sending bulk emails, scheduling calls, interviews and approving job offers. It helps recruiters and respecting the hiring team to keep track of the entire process. Reduces time and energy. ATS helps to create searchable candidate database, generates recruitment reports to give clear reports in one shot.
4. Helps to build a brand: Recruiters post their jobs online, and applicants visit those. The entire process of checking online jobs, submitting applications and then customer interaction helps to build an organisations image with the people around. This is also the way by which people or applicants get to know about the company and their policies.
5. Applicants Evaluation: Evaluating applicants is a daunting task. Its not easy to rate any applicant based on his key skills and capabilities. Here, ATS helps to discover the best potential out of thousands of candidates who believe they are capable of the posted job. The best candidates can be taken further for interviews.
6. Integration: The best feature of ATS software is that it integrates well with other platforms like Gmail, tools for evaluation, etc enabling better hiring methods with efficiency. In fact, it can be linked with HR as well to have a quick view of the entire recruitment process. The long process which starts from posting job, till the final job letter, Applicant tracking systems integrates all in one. You can even export the final candidate’s list to other departments to show the progress and how long it can take for before onboarding.
7. A pool of talent: Whenever an organisation rolls out jobs on the online portal, they receive floods of talent. But not every talent can be used on a given course of time. Sometimes, you get them at the wrong time or could be any other reason where you really want that candidate to take this job but circumstances won’t allow you to do so. Considering the same, ATS builds a pool of talent, a database to refer when you need to hire and don’t want to spend so much resource on recruitment or hiring process. The candidate’s database helps you to get the right when you need it the most!
8. A formatted resume is a key: ATS works in set algorithm to crack the resume. When an applicant uploads resume to the applicant tracking system, the Software parses the document into the digital profile to maintain it in a comparable way. Moreover, Applicants tracking system exclusively work in keywords, set skills by each organization. There are various ways by which ATS can be decoded. The right format, use of keywords, skill and how the job has been posted on the portal can help the candidate to breakthrough.
There is no denying the fact that ATS can bridge the gap between applicants and recruiters but one needs to know how it works and what all it can cover to save time and resource an organisation can put for the best candidate!
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