National Testing Agency (NTA) is conducting JEE Main two times a year –January and April. Eligible candidates can attempt both or any one of them. In 2019, the NTA conducted JEE Main April exam for BArch courses on April 7 while for BTech courses, the exam was conducted on April 8, 9, 11 and 12, 2019. The exams conducted were held in two shifts – from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. All those candidates who are appearing in both the exams in January and April can check here to know which JEE Main score will NTA to decide the common rank list.
JEE Main Rank List – Calculation Procedure
The exam was held on different dates and shifts. The process of normalization will be adopted by NTA to determine JEE Main 2019 results and ranks. NTA will rank students on the basis of the percentile score obtained in the exam. This percentile score will be calculated as per a pre-determined formula.
The formula to calculate JEE Main 2019 scores is:
100 X Number of candidates appeared in the ‘Session’ with raw score Equal TO OR LESS than the candidate
Total number of aspirants who have appeared in the ‘Session’
JEE Main Result for Paper 1 and Paper 2
- The result will be compiled on the basis of final answer keys.
- No grievance with regard to answering keys after the declaration of result of JEE Main April 2019 will be entertained.
- Evaluation of multiple choice questions of Paper-1 and Paper-2 will be carried out using final answer keys and the raw (actual) marks obtained by a candidate will be considered further for computation of the result of JEE Main April 2019.
- For multi-shift papers, raw marks obtained by the candidates in different shifts/sessions will be converted to NTA score. The detailed procedure on NTA Score being adopted is available on NTA’ s website.
Compilation of JEE Main 2019 result for January:
- Since JEE Main January 2019 first attempt was conducted in multi-shifts, NTA scores were calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate.
- The calculated NTA scores for all the shifts/sessions were merged and declared. This comprises of the four NTA scores for each of the three subjects – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and the total score.
Compilation of JEE Main 2019 result for April:
- Similarly, JEE Main April 2019 was conducted in multi-shifts, NTA scores will be calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate. The calculated NTA scores for the raw marks for all the shifts/sessions will be merged for further processing.
- The four NTA scores for each of the candidates in JEE Main January 2019 as well as for the April 2019 will be merged for the compilation of result and preparation of overall Merit List / Ranking. For the candidates who appeared in both the attempts, best ofthetwoNTAscores (total) will be considered for further processing.
In case two or more candidates score equal percentile scores in JEE Main 2019 result, then the ranking will be determined through inter se merit.
JEE Main Inter-se-merit
In case two or more candidates secure the same percentile result, then their ranking will be calculated in the following ways:
Tiebreaker for Paper 1:
- Percentile score in Mathematics
- Percentile score in Physics
- Percentile score in Chemistry
- The older candidate will be ranked higher
In case, the tie still persists, the same rank will be given to the candidates
Tiebreaker for Paper 2:
- Higher marks in the aptitude test
- Higher scores in Drawing Test will be allotted a higher rank
- The candidate who is older in age
- Candidates will be given the same ranks if the tie is not broken
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