Overview of Thymosin Alpha-1 Peptide

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Peptides such as Thymosin Alpha-1 have been developed for the past twenty years. After early research studies suggested favorable results, Thymosin Alpha-1 has been suggested to act as an immune-enhancing, modifying, and restoring agent [i]. This recognition came after the research suggested positive results. According to the claims made about Thymosin Alpha-1, it may hasten the process of healing by strengthening the immune system.

In this comprehensive analysis of Thymosin Alpha-1, we have made it a point to condense and include information that is currently available from scientific literature, as well as some anecdotal research data.

What Exactly is the Thymosin Alpha-1 Peptide?

A total of 28 amino acids make up the endogenous peptide known as Thymosin Alpha-1, which was first isolated from the thymus gland. Much work has been put into its extraction and purification due to the considered immune-boosting impact of the thymus gland. This involves extraction from the Thymosin fraction 5 that was first isolated from the thymuses of calves.

Through a process known as solid-phase synthesis, scientists may manufacture a synthetic version of Thymosin alpha-1, known as Thymalfasin. On the other hand, there have been some recent developments in recombinant gene technology.

How Does Thymosin Alpha-1 Work?

Studies suggest that Thymosin Alpha-1’s primary potential function is to strengthen the immune system, and it may possibly achieve success in this via acting as a mediator for immunological activities at the cellular level.

Toll-like receptors are essential immune response mediators and play a significant part in the innate or natural immunity. Research suggests that antigen-presenting cells include a protein called Thymosin Alpha-1, which may stimulate the toll-like receptors TLR-9 and TLR-2. As a result, these cells comprise the initial line of defense in the immune system [i].

Findings imply that it does this by boosting interferon alpha and gamma (IFN-a, IFN-y) [ii], another mechanism by which it may exert its immune regulating potential. Both IFN-a and IFN-y are considered important in the fight against viruses that assault organisms.

Investigations purport that natural killer cells may be activated by Thymosin Alpha-1, which may also accelerate the development of T lymphocytes. After that, these cells are considered to lend a hand in activating other cells within the immune system, ultimately leading to the detection and destruction of infected cells.

Researchers speculate that due to its potential to inhibit the action of IL-1b and tumor necrosis factor-a, Thymosin Alpha-1 may contribute to the production of an anti-inflammatory response.

Scientists hypothesize that this peptide may possibly affect enzymes that deal with oxidative stress, namely superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. In the long run, this may help to prevent unnecessary oxidative damage [iii].

Thymosin Alpha-1 Peptide Properties

In order to determine whether or not Thymosin Alpha-1 may exhibit positive action, research tests were performed on mice models. These findings are straightforward to analyze, enabling one to quickly comprehend the multiple potential properties of this peptide that are currently under scientific investigation.

It has been suggested that it may strengthen the immune system, as most of its proposed properties are suggested to directly impact conditions that result in a state of immunocompromise. It has also been hypothesized that Thymosin Alpha-1 may possibly boost a weakened immune system and decrease both chronic and acute inflammation [iv]. 

Test subjects with Hepatitis B virus were observed in research studies, and the results of those trials suggested that Thymosin Alpha-1 may play an important role in the remission and termination of the virus [v]. It was inferred that chronic Hepatitis B or C cases may experience a significantly lower risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.

After undergoing any form of transplant, the risk of contracting a variety of illnesses is increased. Similarly, even though the white blood cell number is normal following a bone marrow transplant, the immune system is still recuperating, and there is a possibility that infections may occur. Specifically, studies suggest that the goal of Thymosin Alpha-1 is to lower the prevalence of infections like these [vi].

Research suggests that this peptide may also play a role in autoimmune illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, which may cause inflammation of tissue and joints due to the uncontrolled assault of immune cells on healthy cells. Rheumatoid arthritis is one example of an autoimmune illness. Findings imply that the severity of this sickness may be mitigated to some extent by presenting Thymosin Alpha-1, which may possibly modify the activity of immune cells seen in these models.

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[i] Romani L, Bistoni F, Gaziano R, Bozza S, Montagnoli C, Perruccio K, Pitzurra L, Bellocchio S, Velardi A, Rasi G, Di Francesco P, Garaci E. Thymosin alpha 1 activates dendritic cells for antifungal Th1 resistance through toll-like receptor signaling. Blood. 2004 Jun 1;103(11):4232-9. doi Epub 2004 Feb 24. PMID: 14982877.

[ii] Tuthill C, Rios I, De Rosa A, Camerini R. Thymosin α1 continues to show promise as an enhancer for vaccine response. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012 Oct;1270:21-7. PMID: 23050813.

[iii] Armutcu F, Coskun O, Gürel A, Kanter M, Can M, Ucar F, Unalacak M. Thymosin alpha 1 attenuates lipid peroxidation and improves fructose-induced steatohepatitis in rats. Clin Biochem. 2005 Jun;38(6):540-7.. PMID: 15885234.

[iv] Matteucci C, Grelli S, Balestrieri E, Minutolo A, Argaw-Denboba A, Macchi B, Sinibaldi-Vallebona P, Perno CF, Mastino A, Garaci E. Thymosin alpha 1 and HIV-1: recent advances and future perspectives. Future Microbiol. 2017 Feb;12:141-155. Epub 2017 Jan 20. PMID: 28106477.

[v] Milton G. Mutchnick M.D., Henry D. Appelman, H. T. Chung, Emma Aragona, Tej P. Gupta, Glen D. Cummings, Jeanne G. Waggoner, Jay H. Hoofnagle, David A. Shafritz. Thymosin treatment of chronic hepatitis B: A placebo-controlled pilot trial


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