Filing an insurance claim following a motorcycle accident is never fun. Very few people enjoy dealing with insurance carriers on a good day much less when they have been involved in a collision of this type. However, a person must act quickly after any type of accident to ensure he or she meets all deadlines. A failure to do so could mean he or she is not able to collect any compensation due to him or her as a result of the accident. Knowing what deadlines need to be met is the first step, as they often differ based on the type of claim to be filed and which insurance company will be handling the claim.
Property Damage or Personal Injury
Read motorcycle accident statistics and it is easy to see why insurance for riders is essential. However, following an accident, a rider may not know what steps need to be taken to resolve the matter. For example, individuals involved in a motorcycle accident might find different types of claims need to be filed. When the motorcycle is damaged in the accident, a property damage claim is required. The claim may be made against the other driver’s insurance or it may be filed with the motorcycle rider’s policy, depending on who was at fault in the accident.
In contrast, a personal injury claim must be filed when a rider has sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident. This type of claim covers any injuries as well as related losses. For example, a person who is injured may find he or she needs to bring in household help until the recovery process is complete. This help will typically be covered by the responsible party’s insurance company.
Making a Claim
To make a claim against your personal insurance policy, contact the insurance agent. He or she then connects the rider with a claims adjuster to begin the process. A proof of claim form must be signed at this time, and riders need to make certain the form is complete and accurate.
On the other hand, when another person is liable for the accident, his or her insurance company needs to be contacted. This company may try to make the initial offer very low in the hopes the injured party will accept the settlement. Victims never have to agree to a settlement until they are completely satisfied. Don’t bow to pressure from the company simply to have the matter resolved.
Statute of Limitations
Deadlines in motorcycle accidents vary based on the type of claim being filed, the state in which the accident occurred, and more. Victims need to ensure they are aware of the statute of limitations because missing this deadline means the victim can no longer collect compensation. When another driver is responsible for the accident, the deadline is set by the state in which the accident took place. In contrast, when filing a claim against a personal insurance policy, the rider must know the deadline imposed by the state where the policy was obtained.
These dates can be very different. For this reason, it’s important to immediately make contact with the insurance company that will be handling the claim. Any delay could be disastrous, so don’t make this mistake.
Insurance is designed to protect the policyholder. It is only effective, however, when a claim is filed properly. Take the time to learn what you need to do after an incident of this type to ensure you don’t encounter issues in the future. Although it can be difficult to deal with a claim when you are injured as a result of the accident, it is necessary to do so. If help is needed, contact an attorney. He can take on the legal aspects of the case while the victim focuses on regaining his or her health. That needs to be the focus at this time.