MORADABAD SCHOOL OF ONLINE MARKETING (MSOM) Is A Venture Of BEVISIBLE MARKETING COMPANY, Which Was An Initiative Taken In A Small Suburb By SEO Expert Mohammad Izhar in 2017 With An Aim ‘To Make People Aware Regarding DIGITAL MARKETING and Spread The Education In Concern Of Various DIGITAL Platforms’ In His Own Hometown, Moradabad.
‘People Become Quite Remarkable When They Start Thinking That, They Can Do Things. When They Believe In Themselves They Have The First Secret Of Success’.
So, it happened with a narrow town tad Mohammad Izhar, he belongs to Moradabad completed his schooling in Moradabad itself and also worked with several export houses as like Galaxy India, Sonnet Decor, INC and so on and then soon went to Delhi, India in search of exposure. His dreams were big and his conscience never allowed him to do the ordinary stuff. But still, he was at his very young age he started doing many things at a time gained experiences from various profiles, completed his education and continued to do various tasks and worked with several big companies like Discovery India, HomeShop18, Leo Burnett, Eifasoft Technologies etc. In the meanwhile, he was having an opportunity to work from anywhere for several abroad projects and campaigns and that’s the reason he switched back to his hometown in 2015 and continued his journey.
He was carrying nothing in his hands except the firm faith and believe to do something extra ordinary. While he was drawn back to his hometown Moradabad he has gained a lot more of experience, saw exposure in the B-Town, having almost more than 5+ years of experience in Digital Marketing and a lot more. As, he came back to Moradabad he was shaken a little because of the fact that still, people of Moradabad were far back with the time. People were simply not even knowing the right usage of various common Digital Platforms even. Which was a way back hard task for Mohammad Izhar to deal with. Soon, he realised that people residing in Moradabad has such a great opportunity in their hands as the town is famous in the entire World as ‘GOLDEN BIRD’ due to it’s BRASS WORK and can generate good name in market place and generate leads if they get to familiarize with a little usage of Digital Platforms. Most of the workers were having great art works but they were hidden somewhere in dark due to less exposure and no face value.
This was a fire bursting situation, he thought of creating a model on his own by establishing a Digital Marketing Company in Moradabad named as BEVISIBLE MARKETING COMPANY. Bevisible was founded in 2017 with an objective of Transforming Traditional Running Business Into The E-Businesses Which Brings Scalability To The Existing and Help Them To Take A Leap Towards The Growth. It is a Digital Marketing Agency and Advertising Platform which provides Internet Marketing Solutions, Website Designing and Development and E-Commerce Marketing Support. It was started and people got attracted and it started growing and now it is The Most Trusted Digital Search Marketing Agency which serves not only in India infact it has a strong presence in USA, UK, UAE, Australia and Canada also. Now he has experienced with 5,000+ domains in his hands for which he has been working.
But still, Mohammad Izhar was not found sitting back calm he was at a situation of little incompleteness. He found a big distance between Digital Marketing and the people living in Moradabad. He was also aware of the fact that, the coming time will be the high time of Digitalization and the people of his hometown needs to understand the perks and has to work accordingly to go with the trend but there were many parameters in the way due to which it was not an easy task for people to get some exposure and make themselves educate. Then, Mohammad Izhar alone himself took an initiative in 2017 by launching 1st Digital Marketing School In Moradabad as MORADABAD SCHOOL OF ONLINE MARKETING- MSOM, For Providing All In One Digital Marketing Course For 12th Pass Students, Fresh Graduates, Job Seekers and Entrepreneurs. MSOM carries a strong aim ‘To Spread Awareness Among The People Of Moradabad Regarding Digital Marketing and To Make Them Familiar With The Digital Platforms’.
While this 1st Digital Marketing School In Moradabad, MSOM was launched it paved the way for creating the future. As, Digital Marketing itself is a massive carrier field with lot of big opportunities, where it was earlier said by Mohammad Izhar that, ‘Digitalisation Is The Future Of India’ in this concern there was a need of creating an Online Presence in which one has to adapt the changes and has to create their Online Face Value. MSOM taught many students from basic to pro levels of Digital Marketing Courses In Moradabad as it was the only opportunity to avail Digital Marketing Course In Moradabad. MSOM spread the awareness of what exactly Digital Marketing is in Moradabad and make people realize the value of Digital Marketing in their own Traditionally running business which needs a Digital Transformation in the upcoming times. Students were given proper education for Basic Digital Marketing’s Introductory Parts then it moved towards the professional Digital Marketing Courses In Moradabad like SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING and OPTIMIZATION, E-MAIL MARKETING, E-COMMERCE MARKETING, AFFILIATES MARKETING, MOBILE MARKETING, CONTENT MARKETING, WEBSITE DESIGNING and DEVELOPMENT, GOOGLE ADWORDS and PPC ADVERTISING and much more content according to the modules of MSOM.
This was not the end, it was just a start people got so much excited and keen to find such a amazing opportunity in their town Moradabad People started valuing the Digital Marketing Course In Moradabad by MSOM. There were number of students from all ages and various backgrounds even the people who were in the service sectors with good positions knocked the doors and learnt Digital Marketing In Moradabad by MSOM. Every other Alumni of MSOM holds a good profile at present and earning good as well in their own.
Again this was still not enough, were Mohammad Izhar use to continuously state that coming time will be high with Digitalization hence, it got proved. Nobody was knowing exactly and was never wanting it to be so bad but still, soon after the OUTBREAK OF CORONAVIRUS, things were shuffled at it’s heights. Now, it’s not only Moradabad each and every person of the entire World is aware of Digital Marketing and knowing the value of Digital Platforms but again knowing and seeing the leads are still not working at the end of the day.
Because, knowing and having proper practical knowledge makes a vast difference when it actually comes to implement and generate leads stated Mohammad Izhar. But, this time seems to very much obsessed because as it is a small town Moradabad but the benefit is that things spread here like a fire and so it happened with MSOM. While everything was shuttered and there was no way to gloom there seems to be a light in the darkness as Institutes and Colleges understood the importance of Digital Education and in this concern they approached MSOM in their premises for conducting Workshops in order to educate the students of their campuses and to make them understand the worth of the Digital Platforms in which MSOM showcased the Digital Marketing and generated good results out of it. Therefore, MSOM stands with every keen seeker who is interested in learning and growing with this NEW NORMAL DIGITAL WORLD and stands firmly To Fill The Gap Of Digital Marketing Education In Moradabad.
Stats are in front of everyone, that how after the spread of CORONAVIRUS how E-Commerce Marketing and Digitalisation has been ruling not only in India infact in the entire World. Every small to big established business has been converted to E-Business Platforms to convert the customers and to bring out the sales. In order to create a Online Presence in marketplace one has to adopt the NEW NORMAL LIVING and MSOM trains the people to create their Online Face Value in the marketplace to continue their Traditional Businesses as well but according to the NEW NORMAL DIGITAL LIVING.
MSOM didn’t stopped here even, it started an additional training segment into MSOM’s Leading Program after COVID-19 Pandemic. As, during Lockdown everyone was locked inside with NO JOBS and no financial support. Most of the women were at their worst phase being the only earning member of the family. But, they were having good skills in their hands through which they can do wonders. MSOM paved a way for WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP where women’s were taught basically, supported and made to stand on their own and rule digitally. They were continuously guided free of cost, motivated, trained how to rely on Digital Platforms where their talent, hard work, motivation and Digital knowledge has made them on path again but now with their own identities like a Women Entrepreneur.
As, now MSOM CELEBRATES IT’S 4th SUCCESSFUL YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT it will cover more of the targets and try to connect more of the people not only through Offline batches but now with an Online mode as well. Now with Mohammad Izhar’s 9+ years of experience MSOM will start exploring more and will try to reach more and more people by starting providing Digital Education through Online aspects as well for the people residing outside the Moradabad.
Like, Moradabad is famous as the GOLDEN BIRD in the entire World, MSOM will also now spread it’s wings and will work to take the name of MORADABAD on the golden rays. MSOM will go more deep by supporting women’s all around the Moradabad by guiding them to be an powerful WOMEN ENTREPRENEUR. Also, it will create an Online ecosystem for providing Digital Education not only of Digital Marketing but for various other courses as well and will try to reach out more and more of people by conducting Workshops and will provide FREE EDUCATION to the needy ones as well and will provide proper certification under the guidance of Bilal Siddiqui (Senior SEO & SMO Expert) and not only this Mohammad Izhar stated that, for the very first time ever MSOM will open the doors for the interns, where interested one can come and experience the streaming over live project.
Seeing the journey of MSOM, lead by Mohammad Izhar it can be concluded that, ‘The Road To Success Is Not Easy To Navigate But, With Hard Work, Strong Determination, Believe, Drive and Passion It Is Possible To Achieve The Extraordinary Success.’
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