Are you planning to appear for the ESIC UDC Exam? Then, you must start preparing for it now. Having the right guidance and training can help you get the best results. But, if you want to crack this exam without coaching, then you are at the right place. Here, you will know about the different strategies and tips to crack the exam without coaching. Read below to know How to crack ESIC UDC.
Exam Pattern of ESIC UDC Exam
The ESIC Exam is divided into three stages. They are-
- Prelims
- Mains
- Computer Test
Prelims Exam Pattern
For Prelims, the exam is divided into 4 sections General Awareness, Reasoning and General Intelligence, English Comprehension, and Quantitative Aptitude.
Name | Total Questions | Marks | Duration |
General Awareness | 25 | 50 | 1 Hour |
Reasoning and General Aptitude | 25 | 50 | |
Quantitative Aptitude | 25 | 50 | |
English Comprehension | 25 | 50 | |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Mains Exam Pattern
Additionally, for this exam, you will get a negative marking of 1.4 marks for every wrong answer. These are the following pattern for Prelims Main Exam
Name | Total Questions | Marks | Duration |
General Awareness | 50 | 50 | 2 Hours |
Reasoning and General Aptitude | 50 | 50 | |
Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | |
English Comprehension | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 200 | 100 |
Computer Test
However, this exam contains no negative marking. Note down to prepare for the exam.
Test Description | Marks | Total Marks | Total Time |
MS Word for Typing along with formatting | 20 | 50 | Half an hour or 30 minutes |
MS Excel for Preparing Table with formulae | 20 | ||
Preparing 2 slides on MS PowerPoint | 10 |
Subject Wise Tips to Crack ESIC Exam
Have a look at the following tips to prepare for your exams efficiently.
Quantitative Aptitude
Firstly, many applicants get confused during solving this paper. But, the best trick is to manage your time with great preparation. You must prepare for these topics to improve your preparation for the Quantitative Aptitude section.
- Quadratic Equations
- Number Series
- Simplification
- Data Interpretation
- Arithmetic – percentage, time-work, speed, ratio, average, partnership, etc.
Furthermore, write down all the important formulas that help you understand the topic. This trick can help you save a lot of time during the exam.
Reasoning and General Intelligence
Secondly, some of the easy topics are- embedded figure paper folding, syllogism, direction sense, etc. Thus, you can prepare them in less time. However, you must not ignore them completely otherwise it can hamper your preparation. So, must include these chapters for this section.
- Mirror Image
- Paper Folding
- Blood Relations
- Direction Sense
- Syllogism
- Inequality
- Coding and Decoding
Thirdly, the English subject is divided into the following categories
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Reading Comprehension
Therefore, you can prepare for reading comprehensions from editorials. So, you must develop a habit of reading books and newspapers regularly. It not only strengthens your vocabulary but improves your general knowledge as well. Additionally, you must get a grammar book to polish your grammar skills. You must prepare for these topics from your grammar book.
- Column Matching
- Cloze Test
- Fillers
- Sentence Completion
- Phrase Replacement
- Error Correction
- Comprehension reading
- Para Jumble
General Awareness
Additionally, to prepare for the general awareness section of the ESIC UDC Exam, you can follow the below tips.
Note down Current Affairs– For this exam, you must cover current affairs for at least 4 months. Also, make sure to read newspapers and magazines thoroughly and note them down.
Static GK– Hence, this section is not tough to cover. Any GK book like Tarun Goyal or Lucent Book can help you in preparation.
However, don’t forget to check and solve previous year’s questions for better understanding. Furthermore, make a daily routine to give equal attention to all sections. In this way, you will also get enough time for revision before the exam. So, what are you waiting for? Start preparing for the exam now!
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