If you wonder what kind of facilities are given to the employees and workers of the Indian Railways then here we are trying to break the major facilities which are provided to the railway employees by India Railway.
1. Free Railway Travel Pass: Based on the position acquired by the member of railway staff, he and his family are allowed to get benefit from the free railway travel passes every year. Every Travel pass is able to be taken in use to take a trip all through the Indian Railway network. The family members are also allowed to take this facility of the employee can also enjoy the Travel Pass.
2. PTO (Privilege Ticket Order): The Railway workers and their family members are allowed to take advantage of 3 sets of Privilege Ticket Order every year. The member of railway staff is able to use this Privilege Ticket Order to reserve a ticket by paying a small total of one 33% of the actual price of the ticket.
3. Residential Quarters by Railway: Indian Railways provides quarters for living to its staff members, which are constructed and managed by the Railways Engineering department in the Railway issued property. All the fundamental services and amenities are provided to the railway employees at these residential quarters for a little cost.
4. Food at the Work Place: Two-time meal (breakfast and lunch) is provided to the railway employees at the canteens issued by the railway.
5. Learning facilities to the children: First-class learning conveniences are also given to the kids of the railway workers.
6. Medical Facilities: If god forbids some injury happens to the railway employee or his family members then Indian Railway will provide the best facilities to cure the person. Plus, If the case gets worst then additional medical facilities also provided to the family. All the medical facilities are provided at Railway Hospitals at free of costs.
7. Jobs for relatives on compassionate grounds: God forbids if in any situation a railway worker passes away during the service or is affirmed as physically weak by the health check officer of Railway Hospital, then one of his sons or any family member by blood relation can get the job in Railways based on his or her qualification.
8. Study Leave: If the Railway Worker wants to gain higher studies for a more respected position then he is able to get the study leave.
9. Secure Employment: There won’t be any dread of losing employment because of retreat. The railway worker would not be fired if there is not a big problem created by him.
10. Retirement fund: Most of the people join Railway because they want to spend their old life with no difficulties. After serving the whole life for the Railways, the employee gets the very good amount of retirement fund and great pension. Indian Railways care about its employees during and after the service.
So these are some of the advantages and benefits of joining the Indian Railways. If you want to get these facilities in your life, then you have to clear all the tests issued by the RRB Recruitment. If you clear all the tests then you can get all these benefits for life.