Corporate gifts are an essential implement in the marketing communication mix. In the corporate world; gifts can be a double-edged sword. If used appropriately, they give the company a precious means of strengthening relationships with its customers and key employees, creating goodwill, fostering new Relations and promotion of the business of the company. A properly timed and appropriate gift is one of the best ways of conveying the important message that a relationship matters. Although gifts and incentives are usually perceived as a sales promotion tool, should be used as an integral part of the Mix marketing communication to create synergies and support other promotional activities. Oral communication rapidly lapses, but gifts with your company’s logo on them form a reminder of your company, which may tip a business decision in your favors.
As companies realize the importance of developing and maintaining long-term relationships with their customers, corporate gifts can help motivate those who sell and build relationships with important customers. “Employee participation is important”. Holiday gifts are intended to thank employees for their contributions throughout the year and motivate them to continue working hard in the future corporate holiday gifts have played an important role in the marketing mix; as a subsidiary part of the much larger sales promotion industry, since many companies do not have a budget specifically assigned to that promotional activity.
The reason for the use of corporate gifts is to define the role of such gifts in the marketing mix communication. If used properly, gifts and corporate incentives could Complement and reinforce other elements in the mix.
- Advertising
- Public Relations
- Sales Promotion
- Personal selling
The decision is to establish the clear objectives that the company wants to achieve in giving presents.
Common objectives include:
- Promote new products or service
- Motivating your own staff.
The branded promotional gifts are a type of business Investment. The corporate gifts aim to maximize their potential to stimulate customers not only feel rewarded by previous businesses but are also tactfully induced (i.e., not Manipulated) to continue doing business with the supporter. Marketing managers are the main decision-makers to decide if there is a need to use gifts and corporate incentives. The main recipients of these gifts and incentives are existing and potential customers. In the past, the most popular gifts used have been porcelain and glass. The main objective in the use of corporate gifts and Incentives is to promote the corporate image and generate goodwill.
The companies believe that the most important time to use gifts is in the launch of a new service and during the New Year period. With respect to the cost of gifts, half of the companies paid these offers from their marketing budget while the others half paid for special promotions budgets. Most companies buy a mix of gifts of different value to meet different needs. They believe that gifts and incentives have they always achieved the desired objectives and, consequently.