Wish to Learn How to Use Backraise Technique in Games? Learn Here

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Backraise Technique in Games

The world of cards has its own system of language. There are several terms that might confuse new players but once you wrap your head around these terms, the gameplay becomes easier. Understanding the technicalities beneath the terms is equally important. Unless you do that, you will not be able to come up with a solid strategy. Even if you manage to learn them by heart, execution will still be troublesome. 

Backraise is one such term that has boggled players since time immemorial. But it is not very difficult to understand how to use backraise techniques to uplift your poker game. If you are wanting to learn it, you have arrived at the right place. Therefore, without much of a lengthy chit chat let us dive straight into the heart of the matter. 

The backraise technique is often used in poker. 

What is a Back Raise in Poker? 

When playing poker, deceiving is the only moral act. There are several tricks that help a player pull a bluff on his competitors. Back raise is one such technique. It is meant to confuse your opponent by giving out an impression of something that is false but also tempts them to fold for your advantage. This technique is used primarily before a flop. 

While you are playing poker, a back raise happens when you want to re-raise in the next round despite calling a hand during a previous round of betting. You should only do this when you are almost sure about the opponent’s card. For example, player A raises preflop, player B calls next to act while Player C bets. Now if everyone on the table folds to Player B and he re-raises the bet, that would be called a back raise. 

When you backraise, you are concealing your intentions from your opponents. Players generally backraise only when the previous player chooses to raise. It is a great technique if used properly and at the right moment. It can compel your competitors to think what you want them to think. Isn’t that what poker is all about? 

Instances When You Can Back Raise in Poker

Now that you know what a backraise is, it does not mean that you will use just about any occasion to back raise. Knowing your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses is very important. Besides, understanding which situation is right is also crucial. One must be intuitive when playing poker but if you still are not sure, do not worry. We have listed some of the occasions that you can seize to back raise: 

  • When you have a very strong hand and you wish your competitor to call. This is a tough situation as you never know what your opponents hold. So, only when you have a super-strong hand will this work. 
  • When you have an inkling that your opponent will fold by re-raising. If you wish to make other players fold, one way to do it is to intimidate them by a re-raise. This might dupe them into thinking that you have a super-strong hand even if you do not. Many players would not take the risk and will eventually fold. Thus, in such a situation, know your audience and do not raise impulsively. 
  • When you would be left with a small stack if you call. When you see that calling would leave you with a very small stack, this move can come in handy and save you in the game. 

You must always know the strength of your hand. 

Using Back raise in Your Strategy 

Using backraise at the right opportunity can help you a lot. It will make your opponents think that you have the card they think you have. Do not raise at every opportunity, wait until the other player folds. 

This technique works great when you are up against players who play aggressively and are hard to take down. This technique will work to trap them slowly and the pot will be yours for the taking.

It is very important to remember that the success of your back raise technique depends a lot on your opponents, how they think of you, how much they have observed your gameplay, your seat position and game flow at a given time. Therefore, be careful about all these factors before you decide to raise. No one can give you a definitive equation of when to backraise or when not to do so. It is best decided by the time and the situation you find yourself in the game. The best way to make sure that your decision does not backfire is to be very attentive. Sometimes you might have to come up with your own tailor-made strategies.

When Should You Not Use the Back Raise Technique

Knowing when to use brackraise is as important as knowing when not to use it. There is a high chance that your opponents will also know about this technique. Thus observe your competitors very closely. A back raise will work greatly in your favour if your opponent is already under pressure. Read his body language and assess his cards. If he is confident there is a high chance that he himself has good cards. If you are not sure that the player will fold under pressure, do not raise as it can fire back. 

It can also be used against aggressive players to slow them down. A re raise from your end will make them stop and think. This will go against their instinctual gameplay and they might falter just at the right moment. But try to refrain from using it with players who are already going very slow. 

Backraise is not a difficult technique to understand or learn. You can call it an extension of bluff in some cases but it has more dynamics to it. It can be used in most poker variations making it one of the most popular techniques in the poker world. Therefore the next time you are playing poker, make the best use of back raise 


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