The RRB JE exam is one of the prestigious and highly competitive exams in the country as lakhs of candidates appear for this exam every year. The Railway Recruitment Board conducts the RRB JE Exam for the recruitment of Junior Engineers (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology) Depot Material Superintendent (DMS), and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) posts.
Applicants must have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern. This is the first step in making the ultimate preparation strategy. A thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern gives your RRB JE preparation a smooth ride. With sound preparation, strategy, and hard work candidates can crack this exam easily. This article will provide detailed information on RRB JE Preparation tips which surely will help candidates who aspire to appear for the RRB Junior Engineer exam.
Improve Reasoning Skills
Reasoning is a very important section in the RRB JE exam. Candidates preparing for the RRB exam must work on their reasoning ability, as this section helps to score good marks. There is no fixed formula or rule to learn, practice a lot. This helps you to improve your speed and accuracy while answering the questions.
Time Management & Smart Work
Effective time management and hard work combining both in a smart way help you to fetch great results. While practicing mock tests, going through the syllabus, doing revisions, or taking breaks in between you should be well aware of the time.
Mock Tests and Model Question Papers
Try to solve as many mock tests and previous year papers to improve your chance of scoring higher marks in the exam. Mock tests and previous year’s papers help you to get a clear idea of the questions in the exam. Analyzing mock tests will let you know your level of preparation and your weak areas so that you can give more focus on your weak areas.
Refer to Good Study Materials
Give more importance to study materials. Opt for the best study material for each topic out of the numerous options available and focus on studying that only. Do not refer to multiple study materials for one topic. Read newspapers daily and keep an eye on corporate affairs, important news related to the economy to upkeep your awareness.
Make short notes
Create your own notes while preparing for the exam. Do not keep writing everything you read, jot down the main points or head that can help recall the whole concept. These notes will be helpful for you to revise all the important points during your last-minute preparation.
RRB JE Subject Wise Preparation Tips
The RRB JE Syllabus covers some major subjects such as General Awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science, Mathematics, and Basics of Computer and Application.
RRB JE Preparation | General Awareness
When it comes to preparing for General Awareness, the best way of preparing is to keep yourself updated with Current Affairs. Read Newspapers daily, attempt quizzes based on current affairs to enhance your knowledge in General Awareness/ Knowledge.
RRB JE Preparation | General Intelligence and Reasoning
The General Intelligence & Reasoning section may look like a tricky subject to crack but this is one of the most important scoring sections of the RRB JE exam. This section should not be neglected at any cost. There are many sure-fire methods to prepare well for this section, this will definitely help you to score decent marks.
RRB JE Preparation | Mathematics
Continuous revision is the only key factor to score good marks in the mathematics section. In addition, refer to previous years’ question papers and take mock tests on a daily basis. Memorize the formulas, maths Tricks, and shortcuts and practice them regularly.
RRB JE Preparation | General Science
To score good marks in the General Science section, candidates are required to build the basic concept of science from the 10th and 12th standards. Most of the questions will be asked from the 10th & 12th Std syllabus so read NCERT books during your RRB JE preparation and develop your knowledge of the subjects.
RRB JE Preparation | Basics of Computer and Application
Basics of Computer Application is one of those subjects which candidates need to practice and revise continuously. Which in turn helps to improve their practical knowledge well enough to get them through the exam. Most of the questions in this section are asked from the topics Computer Awareness, List of Computer Abbreviations, Fundamentals of Computers, and High-Level Computer Languages.
Aspirants are required to work hard to score good marks in the RRB JE exam. Cover all the topics of the RRB JE syllabus as early as possible and start your revision. Take free RRB JE mock tests on online platforms like Entri and work on your weak areas. Also, solve RRB JE previous year papers to get an idea of important questions that can be expected in the exam.