If you or someone you know has sustained injuries because of the negligent, careless, or reckless actions of another person, entity, or business, then you can seek monetary compensation for your damages. However, proving a personal injury claim is harder than most people tend to think.
There are certain factors that can affect the outcome of a personal injury case, and below are 6 of the most common ones. However, it’s important to keep in mind that experienced personal injury lawyers can help you navigate all these factors and obtain a favorable outcome.
The seriousness of your injuries
The severity of your injuries will play a huge role in determining the outcome of your claim. Besides just reviewing your medical bills, the jury and insurance companies will look at how serious your injuries are. If the injuries cause scarring, disfigurement, or a disability, then the value of the personal injury claim will be higher compared to one involving relatively minor injuries.
The seriousness of your property damage
Property damage can also be part of a personal injury claim, especially in the case of car accidents. The total value of property damage can be a factor in determining the claim’s overall value.
Insurance coverage limits
Most personal injury claims are often resolved out of court through settlements with the insurance company. However, the policy limits of the at-fault party’s insurance company will play a big role in determining the claim’s total value. If the insurance coverage doesn’t cover your total losses, then you might need to go for a lawsuit to pursue your claim directly from the at-fault party’s personal assets.
Total medical bills
This might just be the most crucial factor when it comes to helping determine the outcome of a personal injury claim. Personal injury claims should not be settled until the victim has fully healed from their injuries. It’s vital that the victim understands exactly what it will take financially to fully treat them before they agree to a settlement.
Amount of evidence available
Most personal injury claims revolve around the victims having sufficient evidence to successfully prove their claim’s total value as well as the other party’s liability to the claim. If they don’t have enough evidence, then it’s likely they’ll struggle to get any kind of compensation.
Can the victim work or not?
Lastly, another huge factor in determining the outcome of the claim is whether the victim has lost income while in recovery. In some cases, the victim might not be able to go to work because of the injury. In other instances, they might be able to do business but not at full strength due to the injury. Victims should get compensation for any income they’ve lost.
When someone is considering filing a personal injury claim, they’ll usually want to have an idea of how valuable their case is. Hopefully, now that you know some of the factors that can help determine the value of your personal injury claim.
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