Oil fields in the San Antonio area have been booming for decades and are scheduled to grow over the next decade. As these oil fields are being developed, more people are moving into this area, increasing the frequency of traffic accidents throughout. Here are some ways oil fields in San Antonio impact truck accidents.
- Commuters May Experience Road Hazards Around Oil Fields in San Antonio
Traffic accidents can occur when trucks travel on newly built roads near oil fields that have not yet been fully developed and tested by heavy vehicles so that they respond correctly. Drivers should be cautious when driving near oil fields in San Antonio if the road conditions are poor and the truck ahead of them skids onto the shoulder, causing a significant traffic accident.
- Oil Fields May Influence Driver Behavior
Living close to an oil field can make a driver feel more rushed and impatient, as they are used to getting around quickly to avoid traffic. The same goes for people who work in the oil fields themselves; being around large trucks daily can make a person more confident in driving trucks.
These people tend to drive trucks that are unsafe and not fit for them, making them believe that they are capable of handling any truck on the road or doing any maneuver in the path of their work. This dangerous behavior behind the wheel can increase the truck accident risk.
- Oil Fields May Increase Truck Traffic
As oil fields become operational, truck traffic is expected to increase on significant thoroughfares and along more minor residential roads. This increased truck traffic brings a higher risk of accidents, especially when drivers are unfamiliar with the roads or fail to follow the rules of the road. This can ultimately lead to more severe crashes, like head-on collisions and jackknifed trucks, which may result in serious injuries and fatalities.
- Oil Fields May Decrease Speed Limits
Speed limits are often lowered near oil fields in San Antonio so that large trucks do not disturb the operation of other oil field equipment or the workers operating them. These work speed limits are lowered to reduce the time drivers spend in traffic to avoid waiting for other drivers. However, this is not a good idea since it can increase the risk of dangerous truck accidents.
- Oil Industry Workers May Drive Recklessly on Work Sites
Many people work in the oil industry, and most use heavy equipment or tools such as cranes to help operate this machinery. Workers in the industry often have very little time to take a break before returning to their job sites. As a result, workers may be more impatient about their job responsibilities and may not pay attention to how fast they drive when driving on the road.
The increased traffic due to oil fields in San Antonio creates a lot of potential hazards for motorists unfamiliar with the area, especially on residential roads. Drivers should always be prepared for these road hazards by learning all they can think about oilfields near their homes or workplaces. Consult with a truck accident lawyer who is experienced with oilfield accidents if you get injured in a truck accident near an oil field.
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