All that you Need to Know about Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing

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Most of the modern households have at least ten electronic appliances such as LED TV, washing machine, refrigerator and air-conditioning units that run regularly. All of them produce electromagnetic emissions that can interfere with those of the other devices. So how do you make sure your appliances run safely without any interference from the electromagnetic fields of the other devices?

What is Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing?

There is something called Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing that every product undergoes (at the manufacturing unit) before it is released for mass production. This test is crucial for every electronic product of every model and has to be repeated to check compliance with the EMC regulations, every time there is a change in the process of production.

The electromagnetic standard emissions vary from region to region. The ones that are followed in the US are not the same as those followed in the European countries. A product has to comply with the conditions and standards of both, for extended compatibility. The power supplies should also pass the EMC regulations of both Europe and US, as standalone products. Most of the European electronic appliances are compatible with devices made in USA.

Why is EMC testing important?

An EMC test is very important to find out if your products are electromagnetically compatible. If the EMC incompatibilities are detected during the early stages of product design and development, it can save you a lot of time, energy, and efforts, in the later stages. Any incongruences can be fixed in an easier and cheaper way before the products are released in the market. This can help you avoid bad sale situations and penalties. Many well-known electronic brands have had to recall or withdraw their products from their market because of not meeting the EMC and RF regulations. You don’t want to be one of them.

Why hasn’t EMC testing got its due importance?

Most startups and small manufacturing companies lack the equipment and resources needed to EMC test their products at every stage of development. Moreover, some of the manufacturers are of the opinion that it is the faulty power supplies that lead to electromagnetic interference between devices. It is high time that manufacturing companies realize the importance of EMC testing and start including them in their processes before releasing their products into the market.

Ways to do EMC testing

It is definitely not recommended to release a prototype or an electronic appliance or product before doing EMC testing. However, it could be very expensive for small businesses and startups to afford EMC equipment. The best way then is to hire EMC testing equipment on rent. You can visit the website of Transient Specialists (61000 4 2) for more information on this.

Many companies have started renting their EMC testing equipment to startups and small businesses. With the help of one such service you can get the entire set up well-within your budget and carry on your production without any interference. Find out what suits you and get the electromagnetic compatibility issues of your products detected right in their design stage.


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